"MsrNote" is a simple and convenient note-taking app. It is currently in production.


I enjoy writing notes. Especially when I come up with ideas, I jot them down in notes and revisit the content later when transitioning to full-fledged projects.

Many note users, like me, may use it not as a production tool but merely as a memo for ideas, right?

In my case, for example, when developing an app, I jot down the app idea in a note-taking app (iPad app), create assets in drawing-specific apps (such as Adobe Illustrator or Procreate) using those notes as a reference, and then write code in a coding app to advance the project.

Each app is useful in its own right, but I eventually thought, "Wouldn't it be nice if these features could be combined into one app?"

Goal of This Project

The goal of MsrNote is to create an app that can "complete the process from project idea memo to release within one app!"


# For app developers

Enable the process from idea memo to app preview and release on the app store.

# For novelists

Enable the process from idea memo to writing the final manuscript and releasing the book.

# For artists

Enable the process from idea memo to creating final artwork and releasing art collections.


Specifically, I aim to create an app that can accomplish the above.

Target Audience

The main target audience for this app is individuals (or small groups) engaged in creative work. I also want to target students aspiring to become creators.

Desired Features

# Basic drawing functionality

I want basic drawing functionality that handles both vector and raster images.

# Store feature

I want to create a store that handles extensions for MsrNote and user-created apps or books.

# Database feature

I want to treat database-like elements as part of notes.

# App builder feature

I want to implement something like a web app builder.

# Animation feature

I want to implement basic animation functionality.

# BGM feature

I want to provide background music and ambient sounds for work.


The app's pricing plan is as follows:

# Trial feature $0

Basic drawing will be available for free as a trial feature.

# Save feature $3/month

I plan to charge $3/month for the feature to save and export created notes.

# Other extension features $1~$10/month

I plan to set a fee of $1~$10/month for each additional extension feature. Since desired features may vary from person to person, I plan to offer a service where individual users can add only the features they want, like toppings.


My goal is to complete the following items by June of this year and wrap up this project:

- Set up basic HTML elements [Completed]
- Develop basic PWA features [Completed]
- Create a template for the side menu [Completed]
- Implement tab switching functionality for the side menu
- Create a list tab
- Create a page tab
- Create a layer tab
- Develop drawing functionality for pixel layers
- Develop drawing functionality for path layers
- Create a settings tab
- Create a documents tab
- Develop registration/login functionality
- Create a store tab
- Implement billing functionality
- Create a beta experience feature (extension feature)
- Create a forum tab
- Develop database functionality (extension feature)
- Develop BGM functionality (extension feature)

The progress of app development is being publicly updated in real-time. You can always check the latest status from the following link:

Check the latest status of the MsrNote app

If you want to see detailed work logs and more, please check out Discord..

hujbvfLog - Discord

..or check out X!

@ en_huj_bvf - X

Update History

2024.05.22 Released the web application

2024.05.22 Released the introduction website